The exhibition- ‘What artists really do’ at the Old Timberyard in West Bay is finishing on Friday. If you haven’t already seen it  do try to get there. It is really fascinating. I have been stewarding there a lot over the past month and have found it encouraging and energising and inspiring. I have had time to look through the sketchbooks, contemplate the work and talk to other artists and visitors. I will be experimenting with some new ideas during the summer and creating new work for Bridport and West Dorset Open Studios.

This next feast of art will run from Saturday August 24 to Monday August 31st. I will be opening at home every day except Wednesday 26th from 11-5.  Please do come and visit- see my work and look at the workroom- and enjoy a cup of tea in my lovely garden. Details of all the participating artists will be in the brochure being compiled at the moment.

So on with the dyeing and stitching.