What  artists really do . This is an exhibition, organised by Dorset Visual Arts as part of the Interrogating… projects. It is process based-  that means it concentrates on how people work and shows  lots of sketch books and drawings and all sorts of experimental material from around 40 artists. it is at the Old Timber Yard in West Bay- opposite the big car park and next to Haddon House Hotel.

It is open every day from 10-4 including Sundays and Bank Holiday from Saturday May 23rd until Friday June 19th.

If you would like more information go to www.dorsetvisualarts.org/news  or contact me and I will send you details.

The exhibition was already being set up when I took my stuff in on Wednesday and looked fascinating. I am looking forward to stewarding so I can have a good look at all the diverse material.

There are finished pieces for sale and lots of postcard sized pieces for just £25.

I will take some photos when I go in to Steward on Sunday so you can get an idea of the wealth of material. Fascinating to see how people work. Do let me know if you are coming. I look forward to seeing you.