I haven’t posted anything since August but I am hoping to do better now. Good resolution for a New Year and all that. First an update on Bridport Open Studios. It was very successful. I did enjoy having lots of visitors. Thanks to all of you for making the trip to see my work. Everyone appreciated going into my workroom where they could see for themselves how I make my pieces. They especially enjoyed looking at all my hand dyed and printed fabrics. I also sold several pieces. I hope the owners are enjoying them.
So what next? I am now in the middle of a commission. I have been a long time getting down to it but now am well on the way. Commissions are always difficult for me. It is one thing to make the pieces that are waiting to be created-of their own volition. It is quite different making something for someone else, even if they haven’t asked for anything specific. However I always learn lot from commissions as they make me try out something new. This new textile piece will be larger than is usual for me – 90cm x 60cm. It consists of 4 ‘scenes’ that evoke some of the different landscapes around the Othona Community West Dorset. So far I have mapped out the whole piece, dyed and printed the fabrics and done the collage and machine stitching for three of the 4 sections. I now need to print a few more fabrics so I can get on with the final section. After this is done I will need to put them all together and see how to integrate the whole piece. Then I can get on with the hand stitching. I am taking photos at frequent intervals and will put some of them up on the blog . There are no pictures today as I don’t yet know how to adjust the size of the photos for the website. I go to a one–one lesson next week to learn how.
Now it’s back to the workroom.
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